Jocyl's Food Products (a.k.a "Chorizo de Kalibo") is a bold and forward-thinking company whose goals are set to create surprising ways of developing and promoting our products. We are entrepreneurial and visionary in producing and marketing the best chorizo and other food products from our hometown - Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines.
About UsAre you planning to take a trip to Boracay soon? If so, you’re probably looking forward to all the delicious food that the island has to offer. But don’t forget to pick up some local delicacies to bring home as pasalubong (a Filipino tradition of bringing gifts from a trip). Here’s a guide to the …
If you’re visiting Aklan, you’ll want to make sure to bring some of the best food pasalubong home with you. Aklan is known for its delicious food, and there are a variety of treats you can bring back to share with your family and friends. Here is a guide to the best food pasalubong you …