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Are you planning to take a trip to Boracay soon? If so, you’re probably looking forward to all the delicious food that the island has to offer. But don’t forget to pick up some local delicacies to bring home as pasalubong (a Filipino tradition of bringing gifts from a trip). Here’s a guide to the best Boracay delicacies for pasalubong.
1. Dried Mangoes – Dried mangoes are a popular snack in the Philippines and are a must-have pasalubong from Boracay. They’re sweet, juicy and full of flavor. Plus, they’re easy to pack and bring home.
2. Ube Halaya – Ube halaya is a purple yam jam that is popular in the Philippines. It’s a delicious and unique treat that you can find in Boracay. It’s a great way to show off the flavors of the Philippines to your family and friends.
3. Biscocho – Biscocho is a type of biscuit that is popular in Boracay. It’s made with butter, sugar, and flour and is usually topped with sugar or sesame seeds. It’s a great snack to bring home as pasalubong.
4. Tuyo – Tuyo is a type of dried fish that is popular in the Philippines. It’s a great source of protein and is a great snack to bring home as pasalubong.
5. Piaya – Piaya is a type of flatbread that is popular in the Philippines. This delicacy is filled with muscovado sugar and is a great snack to bring home as pasalubong.
6. Chicharon – Chicharon is a popular snack in the Philippines. It is made from pork rinds and is a delicious treat to take home as pasalubong.
7. Buko Pie – Buko pie is a type of pie that is popular in Boracay. The with coconut filling and is a great dessert to bring home as pasalubong.
8. Banana Chips – one of the best seller delicacy in Boracay. Thinly sliced, deep-fried in oil, golden yellow Banana chips. Koreans and Chinese tourists loves the Boracay Banana Chips so much that they order in bulk for their pasalubong going home.
These are just a few of the many delicious Boracay delicacies that you can bring home as pasalubong. So, make sure to pick up some of these treats the next time you visit the island. Your family and friends will thank you for it!
Article Updated : May 11, 2023
#Guide #Boracay #Delicacies #Pasalubong